SIEICON-2018 Logo 2nd International Conference on Current Research Trends in Engineering and Technology

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Conference Details
Date : 9th April, 2018
Conference Website :

Organised by
Sigma Institute of Engineering (SIE), Vadodara, Gujarat, India
In association with

In Association with
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

SIEICON18 logo

International Conference is no exception.

Whether your home field is a classroom, performance centre, research lab, or industry, join us in Vadodara at the 2nd International Conference on Current Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (SIEICON-2018) to bridge the gap between innovative technologies and power-packed applications in exercise and athletic performance. The International Conference SIEICON-2018 is bringing together the best of the best from all researchers and industry to provide a heavy-hitting educational experience unlike any other. From cutting-edge presentations to dynamic hands-on sessions by renowned professors and researchers, you'll get the tools to elevate your career and keep you one step ahead in an ever-changing industry.